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Blackpink Jennie “indoor smoking” scandal, investigation report filed with Korean Embassy

Article: Blackpink Jennie, Indoor Smoking Controversy… Blowing Smoke in Front of Staff

Source: Yonhap News

Blackpink Jennie was caught seemingly smoking indoors.

On the 9th, Jennie uploaded a vlog to her channel where she was seen smoking an e-cigarette indoors while getting her hair and make up done. In particular, Jennie exhaled smoke in the video even though a staff member was right in front of her. 

A netizen who identified herself as a Blackpink fan revealed, “I believe this was filmed at Capri Island, Italy where she recently visited so I filed a report with the South Korean Embassy in Italy through the National Archives of Korea and requested an investigation. I strongly urged the Italian Embassy authorities to investigate Jennie’s indoor smoking incident and punish her severely.”

Jennie has since deleted the vlog in question after controversy grew, however, the controversy is continuing to spread online. Her independent label OA Entertainment released a statement apologizing for the scandal writing, “We sincerely apologize to everyone who felt uncomfortable with Jennie’s actions in the vlog. Jennie is also reflecting on smoking indoors and the harm it caused to other staff members. She has directly contacted the staff members who were there at the time and apologized. We also apologize to fans who must’ve felt disappointed and we will repay you with a mature and better image in the future.”

On the 30th, Jennie resumed SNS activities with a picture holding a cake to celebrate a staff member’s birthday. 

Other idols EXO D.O and NCT Haechan who were also caught smoking indoors received fines. 

  1. [+3,456, -33] Smoking aside, what kind of character is that blowing smoke in front of staff who are in front of you working?!
  2. [+2,213, -51] A broadcast is a broadcast after all.. Her image has seriously hit rockbottom. Like someone else said, she’s an adult so smoke if you want but at least go outside?! Is she a chain smoker that couldn’t stand it for a second.. ugh tsk tsk 쯧쯧
  3. [+2,186, -26] Ah, as expected, people just don’t change.. this issue was never about her being a smoker.. it’s the fact that she chose to affect others with her choices. How could she sit here while a hair stylist is doing this and that and calmly blow smoke in their faces like that? Is that someone with any basic sense of morals? And that’s indoors not even outdoors.. just thoughtless and rude!
  4. [+1,062, -11] What was going on in her brains to have uploaded that to her vlog in the first placeㅋㅋㅋ
  5. [+1,004, -42] What’s the point of having all that money if she only has poop and sh** for brains
  6. [+946, -14 This is what happens when you trade your youth for money and fame without learning any wisdom in life.. 
  7. [+891, -7] I’ve honestly lost any positives I had about her seeing her blow smoke in the staff’s face like that
  8. [+848, -9] Smoking is not ok but this is a matter of her character
  9. [+763, -8] Ah.. I thought Jennie was different since she’s getting worldwide fame and attention but it turns out that she’s just lucky.. the fact that she blew smoke in front of someone’s face like that tells you everything you need to know about her character.. Shin Dong-yeop’s words were right.. her true character was bound to explode sooner or later.. 
  10. [+526, -12] This is simply about manners and character.. you know you can’t fix people like this right..?
  11. [+424, -6] As expected, YG character ㅋ
  12. [+404, -2] Smoke all you want but why blow that in someone’s face?! That’s not a character you are born shows she thinks the other person is beneath her.. what an arrogant and ignorant b*tch

What do you think of the controversy? Are Korean netizens justified in their anger?

Additional source(s): Hankyung, YonhapNewsis

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