1. I like both, but if I had to pick #2
2. But usually in the case of #2, they end up being successful in the end
3. Most of the works of quality will eventually receive a buzz
4. I like both, but #1 for me
5. But there’s a chance that even though the quality of work is good, it still might be boring, so #1
6. I like #2, I feel like in the case of #1s, they always tend to be similar
7. But you still need some buzz to gain word of mouth effect
8. #2, there are cases where people will start mentioning it more and more once the drama has ended too
9. #2, I’ll remember it better and I’ve seen too many flop works in #1
10. But if you want people to remember it a long time, you need the buzz, but in the case of #2, there are a lot of remakes too
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