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Ador filed a “provisional injunction to preserve the status of the management agency and to prohibit the signing of advertising contracts” with the Seoul Central District Court last week against the members of NewJeans.

This injunction is to confirm that Ador maintains its status as the management agency under the exclusive contract with NewJeans until the court’s first ruling on the lawsuit for “confirmation of the validity of the exclusive contract” filed on December 3rd, 2023. The goal is to prevent NewJeans members from independently signing advertising contracts and engaging in advertising activities without Ador’s approval or consent.

Ador filed this injunction as NewJeans members, who unilaterally declared the termination of the exclusive contract, continued attempts to independently contact advertisers and sign contracts, which could cause confusion and damage to third parties, including advertisers.

The unfairness of the members’ unilateral termination of the exclusive contract will be confirmed through the lawsuit for “confirmation of the validity of the exclusive contract” that Ador previously filed. However, as the final ruling may take considerable time, the decision to file the injunction was made in order to urgently stop the confusion currently taking place.

This injunction reflects Ador’s intention to continue working with New Jeans members. If confusion in the market and industry caused by the members’ independent actions continues, the brand value of NewJeans, Ador’s only artist, is bound to decline, and as a result, Ador, as a management agency, could lose its competitiveness and face a management crisis. Even if a final ruling is made years later affirming the validity of the exclusive contract, the situation could already be irreparably damaged by that time.

In the injunction application, Ador appealed to the court, stating, “For the sake of NewJeans, there needs to be an opportunity to correct any wrong decisions or actions before legal responsibilities expand uncontrollably.” Additionally, Ador conveyed concerns from the industry that “if a precedent is set where an exclusive contract is unilaterally terminated without legal procedures and independent entertainment activities are conducted, the incentive for investment in the entertainment industry will disappear, and the K-pop industry’s foundation will be shaken and greatly diminished.”

Meanwhile, Ador continues to support all personnel and facilities for NewJeans’ entertainment activities, as it maintains that the exclusive contract with New Jeans is valid, and plans to continue doing so in the future. Furthermore, Ador has received proposals for several projects, including advertising and events, and has already planned New Jeans’ activities for the year, including the release of a full album and fan meetings, hoping to communicate sufficiently with the members of NewJeans.

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