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[instiz] HUL THAT'S WENDY…?

I didn’t even recognize her 

original post: here
1. Me too I saw this Reelsㅋㅋㅋㅋ It’s the Water challenge 
2. She looks like Wendy though 
3. Freaking pretty 
4. She really goes extreme with her diet, she looks like Transit Love’s Nayeon 
(pic for ref) 

(pic for ref)

5. She’s gorgeous 
6. She looks like a model 
7. Huh? It’s straight up Wendy 
8. If you didn’t tell me it was Wendy, I wouldn’t have known 
9. She lost a lot of weight, but she still looks like Wendy 
10. She looks like BoA and Taeyeon 

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