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Yoo Jaesuk is known for having good proportions but I didn’t know they were that good…..

How does he not look different from Kim Soohyun….? Daebak, both of them have such small faces, are tall and have good proportions. They are the top celebrities

To be honest, none of them is losing when standing together and they both look daebak

1. Was this during Mudo!!??

2. Kim Soohyun had such a small face in real life, he had a 9-10 heads proportion

3. Both of them have crazy proportions…

4. Wow he survived next to Kim Soohyun… Yoo Jaesuk is daebak

5. If you see Yooneu in real life, you’ll see that he has a small face and good proportions too

6. Cool bodies

7. I knew that Yooneu had a small face but his face is even as small as Kim Soohyun.. wow

8. Yooneu is seriously freaking lean. His proportions survived

9. Even with Yooneu stood next to EXO, he didn’t look out of place…

10. Yoo Jaesuk’s proportions are nice. And he’s crazy good at managing himself at that age

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