Yesterday, when they left the country too, 4 of the members were wearing the NJZ goods hat and Haerin was the only one wearing a beanie
1. So will the members start splitting up?
2. Why do we need to care about when they eat too..?
3. No but this is a photo taken without permission, and what if Haerin arrived late? Anyone can tell that they’re just eating breakfast
4. I bet Haerin was just sleeping
5. I only support Haerinie, she’s my bias ㅜ
6. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The fact that people are now claiming they have conflict is too funny
7. Still, it’s a relief to know that they’re eating well ㅠ
8. So you’re gonna stalk them when they’re eating too now?
9. Why are you always tormenting the kids?
10. Do we need to go this far…
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