They always had ads in their music video ㅋㅋㅋ
Those aren’t banners that you can close, they were just embedded in the MV and uploaded like that. It would appear for a couple of seconds
1. Freaking cheap
2. Ah these are disgusting
3. They’re way too big? Why? Because of the money?
4. I’m another group’s fan and I freaking hate those
5. It just looks cheap
6. They freaking pissed me off … ^^ We couldn’t even remove them
7. F*ck I knew it would be this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was freaking taken aback
8. Ah that’s right. This was so nostalgic
9. Ah f*ck they had that
10. Ah seriously I swore the moment it appeared
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