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The reason for revealing the manager’s face is that he had previously appeared on a certain variety show and had his face shown in news articles.

“The person who handed over the recording file (voice altered):

1. Kwak Tae-young who is featured here

– He was Kim Saeron’s manager during her time at Gold Medalist and continued managing her even after her contract was terminated, saying he was planning to start his own agency.

– However, behind the scenes, he was leaking information to Lee Jinho.

– This photo is from the first day the allegations were revealed.

2. Journalist Lee Jinho

2-1) He has been relentlessly h*r*ssing Kim Saeron for the past three years with malicious reports following her DUI incident.

2-2) On days when his reports were published, Kim Saeron suffered immense emotional distress and reportedly made multiple extreme attempts.

2-3) During Kim Saeron’s time at Gold Medalist, her manager (Kwak Tae-young) and Lee Jinho were said to be personally acquainted.

2-4) Kim Saeron’s family suspects that this manager was feeding information to Lee Jinho. On the day of Kim Saeron’s passing, Lee Jinho made an absurd claim in his broadcast that he had only received a request to help with her comeback, while also emphasizing his close ties with the manager.

2-5) Lee Jinho is now being called a “demon” for even calling the bereaved family on the day of the funeral. The family is currently considering legal action against him.”

1. That company is crazy

2. Wow are they even human?

3. In the end, even when she left the company, she was still within KSH’s reach

4. Seriously so low

5. Wow.. so scary

6. But this doesn’t make her DUI and ab*rtion disappear. And it basically confirms that the voice recording was realㅋㅋㅋ

> Stop diverting from the topic

> The thing that’s not disappearing is that he’s a p***-bug who gr**med a m*n*r

7. Wow evils

8. Wow.. even that manager is disgusting. There are even comments here defending him. 

9. Wow, seriously, she was so unlucky. There was not one upright adult around her

10. Whether she had an ab*rtion or got married isn’t important. Someone who is a p****phile will never changeㅋㅋ I don’t ever want to see him again

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