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The reason given by A for the court’s decision of not guilty was that the perpetrator’s semen was not detected. It is also said that the daughter’s DNA was found on only one of the s*** instruments confiscated from the offender’s vehicle.

A also said, “The court said that since the daughter is 158cm tall, it would have been difficult for the perpetrator to see her as someone under the age of 14.” The prosecution charged the other man with SA-ing a ‘child under the age of 13.’ but it appears that the issue was whether A’s daughter was recognized as under 13 years old.

1. …?

2. Not guilty? Damn it..

3. How are we supposed to raise our kid in this country

4. Not guilty?????????? 

5. A country that uses all kinds of excuses to side with criminals

6. He was found to have SA-ed her with all kinds of s**ual instruments, but he was still found non-guilty..

7. This is the country we live in 

8. A swear came out 

9. ? What is this nonsense? 

10. Ha.. Seriously, you call this a court?

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