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It was ZB1’s first win on MCountdown and they were giving their award speech

But randomly in the middle, Woonhak said he had something to say and they gave him the mic

After congratulating ZB1 on their win, he promoted his new song, saying ‘please love BND’s new song a lot’ 

It didn’t seem like they were dragging out the time since only two ZB1 members, Hanbin and Jiwoong, were able to give their speeches. 

But still… It was likely meant to be harmless, promoting their song during someone else’s award speech feels unnecessary. They keep doing things that make you wonder if it’s really needed.

post response:


1. [+104, -4]

Seriously, why is BND pushing themselves forward so much?

2. [+78, -2]

I thought that ZB1 were the ones who gave the mic to Woonhak but Myung Jaehyun was the one who did it…? Why???

3. [+75, -4]

BND are the final boss of being pushy and rude

4. [+67, -1]

This is seriously the first time I’ve seen this happening to the idol industry in my fangirl life… It’s really the first 

5. [+47, -6]

Starting with Samsung, all the way to stealing the spotlight during someone else’s No. 1 win speech they’re really pulling all kinds of stuntsㅋㅋ And then promoting their own song on top of itㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I didn’t see this wrong, did I? They say there’s a fine line between being likable and unlikable… tsk tsk.

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