They are just as pretty
post response:
1. [+60, -5]
Haerin is freaking pretty
2. [+50, -16]
Both are the kitty-type so they look even more like cats without lenses, cute
3. [+48, -11]
Both became grubby kittiesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋcute❤️❤️
4. [+47, 0]
Haerin looks pretty even with that messy hairㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+42, -7]
Sometimes, these two get hated for only looking good with lenses but am I the only one who still finds them pretty without lenses? Karina’s sexiness and corrupted beauty comes out more and Haerin looks like a more mature catㅋㅋㅋ
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