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(t/n: Her biggest fan is called “fruit juice apple pang pang”, the biggest fan is named the “chairman”, 2nd level is “VP” 3rd level is “3rd” and so on.. 큰손 = Big player is an expression that means viewers who spend a lot of money )

Fruit juice apple pang pang: Stop carrying about who she meets, I’m Bang Sihyuk so stop with the comments and live your own life


post response:


1. [+147, -1]

BJs like her have their own crew pretending to be viewers. The crew spends a lot of money to influence other viewers to spend more money and to engage in illegal money laundering, among other things. They send ‘stars’ [a form of virtual gifts or donations] as if they were viewers. In reality, the money comes back into their own hands. So, it’s hard to tell whether big players are genuine viewers or just part of the same crew

2. [+103, -11]

This makes me believe it’s Bang Sihyuk even more 

3. [+100, -4]

Imagine spending all this money on her for her to meet with Bang Sihyuk and say “I’m not Bang Sihyuk” but pretend to be cool about Bang Sihyuk? This doesn’t seem suspicious to you?

4. [+87, -1]

But seriously imagine being such a big player, doesn’t this makes you wonder what job they have in the first place to be pouring out their money towards the BJs lke that?

5. [+84, -2]

F*ck ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He really said he’s “not” Bang Sihyuk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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