“A Christmas with Miyeonie. Tomorrow on Hyeri’s Tube!”
Traveling is a personal freedom, but is it really necessary to put it on display like they’re living in a different world?
There are ordinary citizens participating in protests during the impeachment crisis and celebrities speaking out too
post response:
1. [+112, -8]
What’s the correlation between travelling to Japan and the impeachment protest……..?
2. [+61, -8]
? There are so many celebrities going on vacation so why are you only making a fuss about these two?ㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+57, -3]
I’ve seen all sorts of f*cked up trash posts at this rateㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+51, -5]
Are you jealous of pretty female idols?
5. [+48, -2]
Kids like you are the ones who remain silent about male idols going to Japan during the Liberation Day
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