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Min Heejin posted that on her IG and he looks so much like Hyein. They’re not siblings for nothing, you can see that he’s straight up Hyein’s male version, he’s handsome 

post response:


1. [+79, -43]

The type that has 0 demand with women ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+61, -2]

He’s a commoner, so I hope people refrain from judging his face

3. [+51, -57]

Hyein’s family is trying to interfere too much 

4. [+50, -16]

Hul he’s really Hyein’s male version ㅋㅋㅋ His eyebrows are similar too and the way his eyes are so round and his lips are thic is the same, he’s handsome 

5. [+32, -5]

He looks so different from the photos before, what changed?

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