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“NewJeans, achieves the best sales records as a foreign musician in Japan for the year of 2024”

I don’t get why they made such a deal over them flopping in Japan. And the people who believed those words must be trying to create forced negative virality

post response:


1. [+61, -9]

F*ck NewJeans needs to file a lawsuit over the damage

2. [+61, -7]

Looks like they thought as long as they said they “flopped” they will eventually flop 

3. [+56, -7]

They debuted in July and already made 2 billion, that’s amazing 

“In the ‘Oricon Annual Ranking 2024’ artist sales category, they ranked #2 on the ‘New Artist Ranking’ . This is the highest ranking among overseas artists. ‘New Artist Ranking’ ranks are determined by adding up the sales of singles, albums, streaming, music DVDs, etc. Oricon explained that New Jeans earned sales of 2.09 billion yen during the aggregation period (December 11, 2023 to December 8, 2024).”

4. [+54, -10]

So they’re extremely popular in Japan, now I can understand why HYBE is trying to create forced negative virality around them

5. [+43 ,-11]

It’s only “That” group’s fans who agree they flopped ㅋㅋ

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