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She’s such a beauty

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original post: here
1. [+210, -4]
She trained 7 years, and debuted not only for 10 months just to withdraw… If you look at the fact that she changed agencies and re-debuted right away, anyone can see that it was not a voluntary withdrawal, but an expulsion ㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋ I’m really curious about the reason… .
2. [+73, -4]
I feel so bad for Jini, she’s a natural beauty, she’s a good dancer and singer and her voice color was my favoriteㅠ
3. [+60 ,-6]
She’s indeed f*cking beautiful 
4. [+55 ,-0]
I wonder what’s the reason behind her leaving JYP, we’ll never know just like Hyuna… Maybe we’ll get hints as time pass.. 
5. [+46, -3]
The idol who makes me wonder why she withdrew the most
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