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“What the…?”

Even the fansites seem puzzled

Walpurgis Night;;; 

post response:


1. [+239, -24]

This is music to my ears

> This is raising the average vocal skills of idols in Koreaㅋㅋ

2. [+209, -15]

After you leave for Japan, don’t come back, otherwise you’d waste the career that you had in Japan so go find it again 

3. [+193, -36]

Hul so mago is sending her back to the place she belongs 

4. [+136, -23]

This is either her personal schedule or going home for vacation. How is it an issue that a Japanese person goes back to Japan?

5. [+123, -11]

It’s golden week in Japan, so she’s going to meet her family no?

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