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It’s my first time seeing an idol with such severe editing

She looks like a completely different person. She was always pretty but… her editing on TikTok is so severe that it makes her look like an influencer

post response:


1. [+22, 0]

It might be partly due to editing, but it could also be one of those cases where the face looks different up close versus from a distance. There are quite a few people like that… Up close, their features are big and pretty, but from a distance, the empty spaces in their face stand out more

2. [+20, -1]

I was browsing Twitter and was wondering how there was such a pretty person like her and looked up Say My Name and couldn’t even recognize her

3. [+15, 0]

Huh? Are they really the same person?

4. [+11, 0]

I also was looking up Insta and looked her up because I saw that she looked like Leeseo but turns out, she doesn’t look like that at all

5. [+3, 0]

Huh? Is this real? I saw a lot of photos that looked like the first one on X though

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