How can a 27 y’o lust over a 15 y’o…? Even if I was brainless, it’s not something I can understand. It’s just so nasty and disgusting… He even said himself that once he hits 41 y’o, he’ll want to get married to a 21 y’o. I know he said it as a joke, but I believe it’s not even a joke anymore…
This is Kim Saeron at 15 y’o… She was still in middle school..
post response:
1. [+252, -2]
15 y’o… If he’s an adult and views a 15 y’o like a woman, he’s indeed a p***hile… Kids nowadays want to be in denial saying “she looks more mature” and all sorts of bullsh*t, but you need to admit, he’s a p****ile
2. [+173, -1]
Me too I’ve seen his article talking about dating a 21 y’o when he turns 40, it was around 10 years ago. And ever since that time, I was already a bit iffy about him. He’s grown a lot in popularity since and I always wondered how… Has nobody seen that article? Of course, you’re allowed to think that way, but the fact that he’s saying it with his mouth out loud is f*cking turning me off..
3. [+129, -1]
Do way?? So he’s a p****hile…????
4. [+113, -1]
No matter how much of a top star you are, he ruined everything he built for the past 11 years
5. [+102, -2]
It was back in 2015. Kim Saeron was 15 and she’s a 00’er. She was in her 3rd year middle school and Kim Soohyun and her are the same zodiac sign
[teens stories] WHAT’S UP WITH KIM SOOHYUN?
“I just read the summary, and I kept telling myself that the contents of the certified letter demanding 700 million won must’ve not been sent by her ex-boyfriend, Kim Soohyun, but probably by the agency (the cousin)… Since Kim Saeron’s numbers were all blocked, she called her ex-boyfriend, Kim Soohyun, using her cousin’s number, and said, “This is Kim Saeron’s new number,” but in turn, she was shocked to find that it was already everywhere in the media”
post response:
1. [+391, -9]
If this is real, I’m shocked that a 27 y’o can view a 15 y’o as a woman. Don’t people usually see kids who hit puberty like little brats?
2. [+373, -12]
After all this, now that Kim Saeron is d**d, they’re doing mediaplay by saying things like “the parents were expl**ting their child,” which really pissed me off. This is why Kim Saeron’s parents and aunt tipped off Garosero. Farewell Lee Jinho, the entertainment betrayer, and Kim Soohyun.
3. [+373, -10]
Kim Saeron’s date of d**th was Kim Soohyun’s birthday (2/16)
4. [+362, -6]
If this is true, than Kim Soohyun is cancelled. There’s nothing good that came out from his past anyways
5. [+343, -6]
Her mother is the one who leaked everything to Garosero. Because nobody wanted to listen to their side, she resorted to Garosero
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