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Firstly, I apologize to the manager and many others for the incident at the airport yesterday. Recently, while practicing, I injured my foot, and although my shoes at the airport had high heels, I thought it would be fine and didn’t bring any sneakers with me, which was my own negligence.

As I walked, my foot started to hurt more, and by the time we arrived at the music show, it was difficult for me to walk. Seeing this, the manager judged that it might be too much for me to perform and suggested changing shoes before leaving the airport.

In the situation where my foot hurt, I couldn’t think of another way and made a momentary wrong decision. I apologize to those who were disappointed and to the manager who was hurt by this incident.

I personally apologized to the manager and will be more careful and considerate to prevent such things from happening again.

Cr. Allkpop

Manager brought it up first, huh?

Honestly, it’s the manager’s job to prioritize the artist. Of course if Seulgi looked in pain, the manager would’ve told her to switch shoes

Seulgi probably swapped the shoes because there’s a performance scheduled.

Those jerks who were making a fuss about unfair treatment are so annoying.

Do you think Seulgi would do something crazy like that?

Her group already struggled a lot because of *that* incident. Do you think she’d risk to do that again?

post response:


1. [+257, -32]

From the manager’s point of view, she’s probably felt sorry towards Seulgi and acted kind towards her, but seeing how the situation turned Seulgi into some perpetrator, she probably realized that if she’s being too kind, it might send their artists straight to their downfall


2. [+203, -31]

The manager was just trying to do her job meanwhile she became a victim and the Pann kids and Theqoo were making a fuss and swearing at her. I hope the Seulgi fans can leave PDFs

3. [+164, -34]

Those f*cking r*tards are now claiming “Even if the manager was the one who initiated this, she’s still a turn off” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It started with Seulgi wanted to switch shoes with the manager, and everyone blindly accused her of power tripping. But when it was revealed that the manager said it was her idea first, they changed their attitude and started blaming Seulgi again. The manager was of course considerate to ask Seulgi to change shoes, but why are people blaming Seulgi? She thanked the manager for her consideration and made the switch. Instead of blaming Seulgi, we should be praising the manager for her thoughtfulness

4. [+149, -56]

Seriously this country is too harsh with how women live their lives, is this really worth apologizing for? I’m not a RV fan and I’m pissed off 

5. [+113, -24]

Seriously… They’re criticizing without the full picture


1. Seriously people are creepy… 

2. Being a manager is an extreme job too.. .

3. Have people never switched shoes with someone in their lives? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Is that really worth the hate?

4. My bias even carries their own slippers, she should’ve known better.. 

5. Seulgi find strength.. 

6. If the manager saw her in pain, she’s allowed to ask her to change 

7. People are getting way too f*cking sensitive 

8. If you’re angry at this, go take a cold shower 

10. I don’t think this is a big deal, I’m not a Seulgi fan but this is too much 


Because there were so many fans at the airport, you can see that she almost fell 

As shown on the pictures, the high heels are prone to make you fall 

“They’re making a fuss without knowing the situation. I’ve been watching them stir up controversy since yesterday just because they want to create a fuss. She has always worn full makeup until she landed. Yesterday, maybe the sponsored shoes didn’t fit well, so her feet was hurting, and she was even limping. It seems like she got blisters on her feet too; there were band-aids stuck all over.”

“The manager told her to change shoes right away because she had to perform tomorrow. She changed them after the [baggage?] check. While waiting for the members after leaving the gate, she changed [the shoes] for a moment until she got in the car”

post response:


1. [+172, -24]

No but the manager’s job is to make sure the singer is cared for in the first place no..? Because the singer was wearing those high heels for so long and looked in pain, she probably wanted to be considerate. I don’t understand why people automatically assumed that the manager is the pitiful one here.. 

2. [+165, -19]

Her feet were hurting, and if she wasn’t able to perform properly because of that, this would’ve followed her for the next 10 years of her career ㅋㅋ You guys just want to swear at her so desperately 

3. [+138, -28]

No but the manager’s job is to take care of the celebrities, how is this power trip if she’s just doing her job? Do you think that the manager would like to hear this? Looks more like you guys want to swear at Seulgi using the manager

4. [+134, -13]

Even after reading the explanation post, people still want to think the opposite. If she didn’t change shoes then people would’ve said, “Did Seulgi keep wearing those shoes to ruin her feet, potentially ruining tomorrow’s performance? It seems like the manager’s fault for letting Seulgi’s feet get worse.”

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