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It’s already been talked on other websites for a few days now. What’s up with that?

Not a single article was published, and there was no autopsy of the deceased employee.

“There were reports of overwork deaths among HYBE employees, but not a single article has come out about it.”

They asked me to share what I know, soㅋㅋ there must have been a joint memorial service, right?

“What’s up with the successive death reports on the employee’s death in HYBE’s nap room?”

I heard that employees have consecutively died from overwork in the nap room. Is that true?

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1. [+155, -6]

If a Samsung worker died, there would’ve been articles everywhere, this is insane;;; Meanwhile it was confirmed that Kim Gunhee visited HYBE… 

2. [+146, -2]

If this is true, then it means that there are employees who passed away inside HYBE’s building?? But there are some fans who are reporting this, but the fact that there’s not a single article about it is daebak 

3. [+131, -2]

The manager died from a car accident + a young employee from overwork 

4. [+100, -2]

Crazy it wasn’t only one person?

5. [+79, -2]

Is that a senior executive..?

6. [+58, -0]

What’s up with the people always saying “There’s no proofs” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ven if the cover-up theory isn’t certain, the fact that HYBE employees have died is true, right? Today, during the national audit, when a lawmaker questioned Kim Joo-young, she directly acknowledged that it’s true that HYBE employees have died.

7. [+43, -0]

Looks like it’s true…?

– One person from the content team died from overwork. And another manager died in a car accident

– There was one report 

– Someone said that it was “Successive deaths”

8. [+40, -1]

Kim Joo-young even acknowledged herself today at the National Assembly that HYBE’s employee died ㅋㅋㅋ They claim that there’s no cover-up but somehow not a single article was out 

9. [+39, -0]

This is amazing in so many ways… 

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