This was uploaded by the Study King’s PD’s Isnta
The location where this photo was taken was probably the OA headquarter
Hong Jinkyung’s commentㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
“Kyah~~~ It’s Jennie!!!!!!!
Jennie: Study King, Real Genius Hong Jinkyung
post response:
1. [+22, 0]
Just hearing the name “Hong Jinkyung” cracks me up..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Maybe because her face looks funny? Anyways, I’m looking forward to it
2. [+21, -3]
Jennie’s outfit is so hip
3. [+17, -1]
Looking forward to it. I hope she promotes her schedules a bit
4. [+16, 0]
I need to watch it
5. [+16, 0]
So she’s gonna appear
6. [+4, 0]
Jennie-yah, at this rate, go on Jang Doyeon’s Salon Drip too, with your variety manager
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