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I’ve only became a fan for a few months but I got goosebumps after realizing that it’s only been 2 weeks… It can’t be… It’s too painful… This is the result of Jeon Jungkook being too good to his fans… Please come back right now and take responsibility

post response:


1. [+147, -2]

Hul I thought that I was the only one like that..? It’s not even been 2 weeks since he’s gone but I feel like it’s been way too long already. Is this for real?..

2. [+129, -2]

Jungkookie is seriously… I’ve been a fan for 7 years but I still can’t get enough

3. [+127, -2]

It’s f*cking funny how you’re telling him to take responsibilityㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ for real, Jungkook-ah, come back faster and take responsibility for usㅋㅋ Jeon Jungkook is seriously too loving towards ARMYsㅋㅋㅋㅋ ARMYs became way too used to it..ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+118, -3]

No but if you look at it closer, even the name “Jungkook” is so f*cking heart fluttering… I just realized now

5. [+103, -2]

I miss you Jungkookie

6. [+34, 0]

Reading this post made me miss Jungkookie even more, both his streams and his stages


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