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Aren’t those thumbnails too much? 

The other members are all prettily edited and they gave them such good quality pictures

But they’re the only ones who just get a screenshot with a logo ㅋㅋ

They’re releasing a full album after such a long time, this is so sad 

post response:


1. [+257, -15]

SBS is really treating RV like sh*t

2. [+217, -11]

I didn’t think much of it, but seeing it like that, they do stand out in an insincere way…;;

3. [+176, -173]

Looks like they received the power trip from that person 

4. [+125, -13]

The difference is f*cking severe ㅋㅋ Did they let Red Velvet’s anti make those thumbnails?

5. [+103, -10]

They really did it so roughly 

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