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It seems like they hung out together! 

People swore this much on Joshua for his lovestagram, so he must know how bad things can get himself. They seem like they’re only friends. Maybe they’re preparing a collab together?! 

post response:


1. [+85, -4]

But one person is wearing a sleeveless top because it’s Summer and the other one padding because it’s Winterㅋㅋㅋ Just from the banana that they posted, they’re different ones…OP-yah..

2. [+68, -2]

No but they didn’t even match the timing, one went there in Summer and the other one in Winter. How can you assume they went there together

3. [+57, -2]

Let me fact check. That cat is a cat that was there in the BTS of their filming, so lots of people posted about it. And they both posted pictures at different times, one in Summer, the other one in Winter.. One is wearing sleeveless, the other one padding…How can it be the same day… Please think ebfore writing posts

4. [+39, -7]

Those round hands aren’t Hoshi’s ㅠㅠHoshi’s hands are soft cheese sticks.. 

5. [+29, -2]

Is there a troll party for Hybe today?

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