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Minji’s physical;; what’s with her bone structure? She really was born with it

Minji: Seems like a boxing training place

Haerin: Should we give it a go?

I think that if Minji gives training a chance, she’d be good at it
She seems to be born athletic

Her face and body look totally different

Her face fits acting so I hope we can see her in an action movie one day

post response:


1. [+83, -2]

No but seriously, I started exercising recently and I realized just how cool and envious I was of her muscles. For real, just try exercising, this is seriously not something to be mocked for

2. [+58, -9]

Wow she’s f*cking cool. She’s different from the people who are freaking skinny but insist that they are healthy. She really looks healthy because of her muscles and I’m in awe with her. The antis are mocking her because of this…? Her face is pretty and innocent and she’s f*cking lucky to have that body. Why are they tormenting her? Those pro-ana trolls should just be quiet

3. [+56, 0]

I’m not sure about when I was a teen but now that I’m in my 20’s, I really find her bodies like hers so healthy and pretty… I wish that I could gain musclesㅜㅜ Just how much has she exercised…

4. [+41, -3]

Minji is pretty and looks healthy. You picked those photos to hate on her but I find her pretty though?

5. [+24, -7]

It’s true that if she was in the 160’s cm, she’d be cursed with this body type but do you know how cool she is to be 170 with that physique in Korea? Even if her body doesn’t fit the ideal standard, her face fits it perfectly so what’s the issue here? She has that face, is healthy, has a tall body so she’s already considered fortunate. Honestly, how many girls with tall and thin bones are beautiful without plastic surgery? It’ because of her bone structure that she can have a face like hers… 

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