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They said that she’s debuting with The Black Label..

post response:


What in the world… Jennie’s face is so small… How is the size of their face similar….

2. [+22, -1]

BP must feel pretty emotional too. The baby they knew is already debuting

3. [+10, -1]

Ella really likes Jennie and Jennie probably finds Ella cute tooㅋㅋㅋㅋ cute

4. [+8, 0]

She really grew up so fast. I looked at her photos on Insta and her face looks a bit different

5. [+7, 0]

She was totally a baby so it’s fascinating that she’s at the age of debuting nowㅋㅋ I bet that BP will promote her so much once she debuts. It’s such an advantage

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