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[Pannchoa] Rookie debut Gyuna is New Jeans’ Danielle’s unni

Article: [Exclusive] Rookie singer Gyuna turns out to be New Jeans’ Danielle unni

Source: TV Report via Nate

[+28, -0] I see

– [+5, -0] Another trying to get famous off the perk of having a famous sibling

[+25, -0] Reveals like this are only surprising after they’ve already built up some of their own fame. No one has even heard of this Gyuna singer so it’s obvious it’s noise marketing when headlines are suddenly like “she’s actually someone’s sister!”

[+22, -25] Who is Danielle, who is Gyuna…

[+13, -2] I see, she debuted off the dongsaeng buff, which means she probably isn’t very talented but will get headlines for it anyway

[+9, -3] Has the noise marketing begun;;;;;;;;;

[+3, -0] So and so turns out to be Jang Wonyoung’s unni, so and so turns out to be Danielle’s unni ㅋㅋㅋ this is fun

[+1, -0] The one on the left looks like Lee Da Hae

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