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1. RIIZE’s Growl was so coolㅋㅋ As expected, SM songs have to be performed by SM idols. Personally, this was the best Growl cover to date

2. Wonbin and Eunseok’s faces are so good on stage too

3. Eunseok did so well during Hug and he’s my type, so he’s been attracting my attention since then. He’s even good at dancing now, crazy

4. Hug was good but Growl was just crazy.. RIIZE are indeed from SM.. Why are they so good at doing SM covers

5. Growl is still good even now

6. Well done. Eunseok stands out

7. Anton-ah, Sungchan-ah

8. How can Anton’s proportions be like thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He’s freaking long

9. Oh well done. Growl has such a nice dance

10. Wonbin always grabs by attention no matter where he stands

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