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Nam Joo-hyuk’s classmate A, who claimed to have been a victim of school violence, received a summary order of fines on charges of defamation, but appealed the order.

A is Nam Joo-hyuk’s high school classmate and reported to B, who works at an online media outlet, that they had suffered school violence from Nam Joo-hyuk’s clique.

Accordingly, B published an article in June 2022 stating that A had suffered school violence from Nam Joo-hyuk. At the time, the media said, “The informant was a victim of school violence by Nam Joo-hyuk for six years in middle and high school, and is currently receiving psychiatric treatment because of this.”


Regarding A and B, the Goyang District Court said on the 28th of last month, “A called B’s contact number and made a false report for the purpose of slandering Nam Joo-hyuk, and B posted an article about Nam Joo-hyuk.” A and B were each sentenced to a fine of 7 million won.

They continued, “However, in fact, Nam Joo-hyuk has never engaged in school violence against. A such as cutting in line or using them as bread shuttle for the past 6 years during his school days, nor has he ever bullied other friends by hanging out with the so-called Iljin group. They damaged Nam Joo-hyuk’s reputation by exposing false facts.”

In relation to this, lawyer Noh Jong-eon said, “A initially reported that they suffered school violence not from Nam Joo-hyuk but from Nam Joo-hyuk’s friends, and this fact remains as various physical evidence will gradually be revealed during the trial process.”

He also said, “The content of the indictment, which states that ‘Nam Joo-hyuk has no history of bullying other friends,’ is questionable,” and added, “We will also reveal the truth of this through witness examination during the trial.”

1. But there are so many victims of him, how can they still claim his innocence?

2. I’ll just wait for the final ruling 

3. No but B said that it was all Nam Joohyuk’s friends and not Nam Joohyuk himself, so why are people always framing Nam Joohyuk? They keep changing their words and it’s weird. 

4. Let’s stay still 

5. Kids, let’s just stay still 

6. It’s probably not for nothing that they’re filing for defamation

To that extent, it seems like the prosecution found enough witness evidence during the investigation that it was not school violence and decided that it was not just defamation, but a very malicious act.

7. So now you also need to pick the right friends to hang out with 

8. Just wait and see, it’s clear that Nam Joohyuk’s friends did the bullying though 

9. Hul…

10. What the??

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