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It has been confirmed that Jung Joonyoung, a singer-turned s** offender who was released from prison after serving a prison sentence on charges of gang r**e, has shown omves to continue his music career.

According to Xports News coverage on the 22nd, Jung Joonyoung is looking to return to the entertainment industry by recently meeting with music officials and expressing his desire to continue his music career as a producer.

According to officials, Jung Joonyoung seems to be conscious of the public’s negative reaction after being released from prison, and is reportedly seeking a new start as a music producer rather than a singer. It is said that he could not let go of his attachment to music activities and contacted the relevant people directly and suggested that they pursue music activities together.

1. What the f*ck?? He’s not even some f*cking Beethoven, how dare he? Is he insane?

2. Where is he coming out from?

3. No shame and no brain 

4. With what kind of gut is he coming back with?

5. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

6. Is is crazy? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I bet there will be kids who will consume this sigh… 

7. If someone is willing to work with him, we’ll be cancelling them 

8. That greed…

9. I’m damn impressed he still has fans 

10. F*ck off seriously 

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