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Han Sohee’s blog post:

This year is inevitably coming to an end again. Recently, I bought six potted plants for no particular reason. Perhaps it’s because I thought having living things around the house might help bring a bit of vitality to life.

How are you spending your year-end? Are you lingering in the shadows of the dazzling lights that illuminate the night, or are you quietly waiting for the coming year?

For me, the voices and news of our times make the seemingly insignificant new year feel heavier. I feel powerless because all I can do is offer a few words of condolence and comfort. Sometimes, I even find myself blaming the innocent sky.

I hope that in the coming year, we can start with small resolutions, like simply getting through each day, rather than being weighed down by worries and concerns.

I’m doing well. I’ve taken time to reflect on myself, to think about my narrow perspectives, my mistakes, and the accompanying feelings of self-reproach. Although I’ve worked through many emotions, I still have a long way to go. Occasionally, I see people visiting my blog, and as I write these excuses, though they’re not meant to be, I sometimes feel small and insignificant.

Anyway! This is just my personal reflection, not meant to burden anyone with my emotions, so I wanted to write down my thoughts.

It seems like the courage one has in their twenties is different from that in their thirties.

I started writing this post around December and am only now finishing it. I’m worried about everyone because it’s so cold, and many people might not be feeling well emotionally.

I hope you’re all keeping warm, with padded jackets, scarves, earmuffs, and the like. There are even heated cushions available. Remember to stretch often; they say stress is the root of all illnesses. Of course, I can’t manage it all that well either, but I try.

Even though I can’t express everything well, I’m writing this post for those who still cherish my blog, which was once a part of my life. My thoughts are as scattered now as they were then.

These days, I find myself cherishing the ordinary, uneventful days as I check in and ask how everyone is doing.

While we shyly exchange greetings with fans and promise a “See you next time” that holds no certainty, those moments we share sometimes end up defining my entire day.

I even bought a pair of slightly uncomfortable thermal socks…

In the end, what I want to say is that I hope we all stay safe and sound. I wish for you to feel a little less cold and a little less hurt, to bury the tangled emotions of this chilly winter, and to bloom like flowers in the approaching spring.

1. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is fun

2. She was a bit frustrating at times, but there was something about it that I couldn’t hate her for

3. I honestly think that she’s still good at her work regardless of her looks.. I think that if she just stayed still, she would’ve never gotten into any issue…. All I can think of is, “What could we do for her to quit?”ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. Company-yah…. please stop her….

5. I like how she keeps on showing a strong side to her fans

6. It’s such a shame how she totally changed her “cool girl” image all for a man. Even if she’s the biggest star of the company, she might want to listen to some advice

7. Even so, I feel bad for her. The things that got revealed later on were just too big

8. She really can’t quit SNSㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. As expected, SNS is so harmful

10. Ah.. I didn’t even know that she closed her blog

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