Everyone praise her for looking good
Right now, she redebuted under SAYMYNAME and is promoting in our country
Right now, she redebuted under SAYMYNAME and is promoting in our country
1. This is the prettiest she’s looked so far
2. I always thought that she would suit a short cut, but now that she’s doing it, it really looks pretty!!
3. She looks like the lead of a Japanese anime with short hair
4. Why did she not have short hair so far? She also suits that hair color
5. Oh this is the prettiest Hitomi has looked!!!!!!
6. I didn’t know she could be this pretty
7. It must be hard on her scalp, but she really looks good with that hair color ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8. The haircut and hairstyle suit her perfectly ㅋㅋ The makeup also looks good ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
9. The best look she’s ever had
10. Crazy, this is better than I expected. I’m freaking shocked
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