– What Pledis does: Protect the company.
What Pledis should do: Protect the company’s groups
The poor protection of the artists is a testament to the company’s negative viral marketing
– How can a company do something like blurting out an artist’s face with a malicious photoshop? It’s a testament to the company that subscribes to Sojang
– Addressing HYBE’S honor risk on the day of,
But nothing done when the artists get mocked/receive heinous rumors
Do you think protecting the employees is what protection is?
Protecting the artist is the most important thing
– 170,000 won album sale announcement
Posted in the morning and corrected after 6 hours due to an error?
If it was posted for 17,000 won, they would’ve fixed it immediately.
Thinking the album is worth that much, how pathetic. So pathetic
– The number of staff is number one in the country, but their work is the worst in the country. At the Goyang concert, there was a fire, a dangerous crowd crush, and safety issues
HYBE-Pledis, no apology and no feedback
1. The incident where the artist Seventeen’s face was maliciously ruined (no apology/feedback since)
* When it was mentioned on Twitter, HYBE quietly changed the photo after it became known because it was in theqoo’s HOT category
플레디스 하이브
니네 이거 검수도 안해? 이걸 컨펌하고 올린거야?
작게 보인다고 아티스트 얼굴에 장난질을 쳐놨네
제정신? https://t.co/zLlV5LdZk3 pic.twitter.com/IK8iEfpOU8— 🍒🐰 (@0808__1004) July 6, 2023
“Pledis HYBE, you didn’t even check this? You actually confirmed and posted this? You’ve messed with the artist’s face just because you thought it looked small? Are in in your right minds?”
2. The BBC reported a false article claiming that Seventeen’s song was created using AI, but the company, HYBE, did not respond, and member and producer Woozi uploaded an Instagram story saying that it was created by a human creator
3. HYBE Face Pass, which requires separate submission of documents when undergoing plastic surgery (a business that transfers biometric information to private companies, also introduced at SEVENTEEN’s fan meetings)
4. The company also leaked SEVENTEEN’s fanmeeting notice
5. SEVENTEEN’s Best Album Deluxe pricing issue
6. Fire broke out at Seventeen Goyang concert, but no apology
1. Hul what’s up with the fireㄷㄷㄷ
2. Please at least get the fundamentals right
3. The way their venues aren’t even built safely for the fire is insane, how did they do nothing about it???
4. HYBE will never read the room ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. I was at both the first concert at Goyang that caught fire and the M Countdown pre-recording site where I almost got crushed to death
6. Seriously I was wondering what’s so bad that they had to send a protest truck, but it’s seriously in cases where the company really doesn’t work like that that people should be sending trucks f*ck
7. Please get rid of the Face Pass, we have 2 weeks left to the fanmeetings
8. Getting the face information is crossing the line ㅡㅡ They’re not even a governmental agency, who do they think they are?
9. The fact that the fans held back all these years shows that they’re saints
10. Hul? What the?
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