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“Everyone needs 3 hobbies

1. Something that exhausts your emotions

2. Something that you can do without thinking

3. Something that exhausts your body

You need these 3 so that you can have an escape hole even if you’re bored with life”

1. 1. I don’t think I have one?..

2. Cross-stitch

3. Cross-stitch..?

3. Fangirling



4. 1. Fangirling on Suju

2. Read stories

3. Drawing

5. 1. None

2. Game

3. Gym

6. Fangirling is all 3 of them…

7. How do you even exhaust your emotions in a hobbie???

> If you’re a fan of a sports team, you can…

8. 1. YouTube

2. Watching variety shows..

3. Karaoke..?

9. 1. Music

2. Cross-stitch

3. Gym

10. 1. Drama, movies

2. Lolchess, Animal Crossing

3. Tennis

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