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They sent a truck today to express their dissatisfaction with their coordi ever since they changed it

The point of the protest is about improving their hair and makeup / replacing their coordi

“Caked and split-up bangs

Oily and waxy hair

Flat 5:5 parting

Everyone, OUT

Improve Stray Kids’ hair”


Leave it… There’s too much to say

Just replace them
Change Stray Kids’ coordi”

The coordi that fans liked during God’s Menu ~ Case143 (previous coordi)

Their coordi from S-class ~ LALALALA (the coordi receiving backlash right now)

original post: here

1. Their recent looks were just shocking… Their Music Station Super Live outfits were freaking shockingㅋㅋㅋ what are they doing with their hair and makeup? They can’t be in their right minds. You need to see their group pictures standing together… It looks less bad when they are sitting down but they’re seriously so-so. 

I was also freaking furious at the AAA. Look at how loose their belts are. Ugly

2. Their hair is the issue… that’s what I thought until I saw the clothes….

3. The before was definitely better

4. Do foreigners like that hair? Why did they change it?

5. Their hair… it just looks like their coordi has no sincerity

6. Their hair and makeup are especially bad.. Even if the clothes are killing them, they should at least help them with the hair and makeup so that their faces survive. I feel like even their hair and makeup are killing them

7. They went from this kind of uniform

To this so how are we supposed to hold it in?

Their coordi isn’t the only issue here. Their hair and makeup are honestly making me crazy

That sunken and yellow makeup are washing out the kids’ lipsㅜㅜ

Seriously, they need to change their whole stylist team

8. Maybe because I’m not a fan their hair and makeup look fine but their clothes honestly suck

9. I thought we went back to 2009 when I saw this

10. Their hair, makeup and coordi got so bad…

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