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– Is that really the fancard sales of the 24 members??

– That’s kinda… 

– I feel like it’ll be better if it becomes randomized in the future

– This is a bit cruel 

– This reminds me of a survival..

– I got it

– :'(

– I won’t talk about this anymore ㅠㅠ

– Me too I want to do a mukbang 

– ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

– And sorry for my mistake earlier

-. I’m so so so sorry

– Let’s talk about something more fun

– I get it… 

– I don’t think I can interact with you guys anymore

– I’ve only seen words supporting me 

– I’m a mess lately 

– I don’t know if we’ll spend time together but I’ll work hard

– If I can spend time together, I feel like we’ll be able to grow closer

– Please lend me some strength ㅜㅜ 

1. They’re way too cruel seriously 

2. Japan is already f*cked with their idol system, please stop learning from them 

3. The system is f*cking weird

4. ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

5. This system will just break the members’ mentality..ㅠㅠ

6. A big reason why people fangirl on a team is because of the team itself, what’s going to happen if they create such competition within the team?

7. She’s one of the most popular member and the fact that she’s mentioning this makes me feel so bad for her…Aigo-yah 

8. I feel bad for this member.. She’s not at fault ㅜㅜ

9. I thought this was AKB ;; This is such a f*cking hostile work environment 

10. Why are they doing this to their idol?

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