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They must be dating well a year later

Next to Lee Jongsuk is his good friend actor Shin Jaeha

1. Is Lee Jongsuk filming his next project? He’s been hanging out with Jaeha every day…

2. Wow I wonder how proud he is of her?

3. Even with the bad quality, you can tell it’s Lee Jongsuk right awayㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. Seems like they’ve been dating quietly.  Of course he’s gonna attend her concert

5. Hul I’m more shocked to learn that Lee Jongsuk is friends with Shin Jaeha

6. Wow how did people recognize him? The quality is f*cking low

7. The fans are impressive too. There are no other photos than his blurred photo but it’s because this picture came out that witness accounts came out. No one has photos of him

8. Ha.. I’m jealous of Lee Jongsuk

9. Wow look at how white he is

10. I like seeing that they are still dating fine

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