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1. ONF needs to hit bigger ㅜ

2. No but they were freaking good.. 

3. Wow F*ck it’s my first time seeing the full video. I’m another group’s fan who loves Keep Your Head Down, and I hope they can release another song with this kind of concept again…ㅠㅠ I love it so much 

4. I saw ONF on the trending tags and wondered why. I was shocked when I saw the video, seriously this is a real live… 

5. They were so good on Route to Kindom ㅋㅋㅋ I need to watch it again 

6. They always do everything with the utmost sincerity and are so good… They’re cool 

7. They were so good, especially the part where 2 people sang together 

8. Hyojin… Is still such an amazing singer… 

9. They’re just as good as usual, you can trust ONF ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. Of course ONF is good 

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